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«Zelenaya Ulitsa» — wheel sport city festival

1 June 2008

Moscow, "Luzniki"

Type: Festival
Arts: aggressive inline skating, bmx park , bmx street, mauntainbike, skateboarding

«Zelenaya Ulitsa» («Green Street») is a wheel sport festival which unites aggressive inline skating vert, roller freestyle slalom, bmx street, bmx flatland, mountain bike «speed shore», skateboard street, skateboard «game-of-skate», rastabike.

Gallery Zelenaya Ulitsa\Green Street

«Zelenaya Ulitsa» — area of festival.

For the first time the territory near «Luzniki» (Moscow stadium) was left for those who daily practice in megapolis active way of life. For one day the area near «Luzniki» became a street of dream where everyone got pleasure from communication, positive energy and good mood. There were many competitions and contests on the sport grounds where the most courageous and active guests got prizes and presents.

Specially for this festival a unique park was projected and made. The figures of the park were like a street relief. In this park the beginners enjoyed the first steps in alternative sports and professional sportsmen showed their skills and judged competitions among amateurs.

In the park BMX Street and Skateboarding competitions were held. The prizes were given by Streetelite, Nike, Eastpak and Element.

360SCA worked out the idea of the festival organized and held the event. Also 360SCA promoted and covered festival results in specialized Mass Media and initiated the discussion of the event in the internet